In many ways I love winter - lighting the fire in the afternoons to welcome the children back from school; shutting in the hens and drawing the curtains before tea time; wonderful frosts like we've had here recently; sunshine and blue skies like today. I love the items that provide us with extra warmth in the winter - snuggly scarves, gloves and hats, and the old-fashioned hot water bottle. DD2 has always ben a particular fan of the hot water bottle and I was thrilled to find a really lovely pattern for a knitted cover in the book "The Gentle Art of Domesticity" by Jane Brocket. The pattern is from the Sarah Dallas book "Knitting", and I have made one for DD2, although as I can't quite remember how to do crochet edging it's not completely finished at the top! I'm intending to make one each for DD1 and DS too, but judging by the number of other projects, both knitting and scrapbooking that I've got on the go, it may be next winter before those two can also cuddle up with their new hot water bottle covers!
1 week ago
This is lovely Gillian - I can't wait for mine!